Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Photo Tagged

I was looking at bogs today..didn't get far... in fact I've only seen one. But I was thinking "what has Jeni been doing?" So I went to her blog and saw she had tagged me almost 2 weeks ago. EEEESH! Sorry Jeni that it took me so long to see that. She decided to photo tag me. Here are the rules...you probably already know them.

The RULES are to go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures. Go to the 6th Folder, then pick the 6th picture in that folder. Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture...then tag someone else...

This is a photo I took at one of my favorite places...the Oregon Coast. Jace and I go there each summer. I LOVE the ocean!!!! I prefer warm water beaches, BUT the Oregon Coast has a lot of other advantages besides warm water... and my favorite is the pounding, thunderous waves. The waves are amazing. Devils Churn and Shores Acres are the very best places to see them.
***Disclaimer: This picture is NOT one of those amazing waves. *** (It was the sixth picture in my sixth folder)
Now I tag: NATALIE


The Muries said...

Nice picture.

Perry said...

Ya you do need to call us! So much has happened! I get so stressed out about it too. I can't wait to move because our managers and land owner are so GAY! I hate them! I thought about turning them in but oh well, too much other stuff to do. miss you guys....