Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23rd- This Day in History

Jace and I
Isn't it funny how time flies? Don't get me wrong some of the day-to-day things seem slow (is it bed time yet?, Jace won't be home until...?, mom and dad have only been gone 5 months?) But in all honesty time flies.

September 23rd, 2000.
Jace and I were in college. We drove up to Mesa Falls with a few roommates, who by the way knew what was going to happen on this day. We walked down to the waterfalls and admired them. Jace pulled me aside at one point and while looking over the largest fall got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! FYI we had been dating for several years (as the photo above proves) and we knew we'd get married, but this was, the real thing. FINALLY! Wow, I can't believe that was 8 years ago. This day in history is one of my favorite. Do you think he'd ask then if he could rewind time?

September 23rd, 2007
This was the day of the fitness celebration last year. After the run, Meg, Jamie and I went to lunch. We were talking about babies. I asked "Who do you think will have the next baby?" Meg and Jamie were "trying", but I wasn't. It was a fun topic. However, that night when I went home I realized I was "late". I kinda freaked, bought a test, and freaked out more. This day in history is when I found out we were going to have another little baby. That was a year ago, time flies!


dcscrivy said...

What a fun little game, I remember when you got engaged, so exciting. I am sad for you that Jace is gone so much, so you will just have to come to my house and I will take care of you and we will have lots of fun. Sound good? OK, plan on it.

Mary said...

Loved the old photo, H. When I read the blog about the 5K I thought, "Wasn't she pregnant when she ran it last year?" [BTW--today is our six-month mark :)]

Mark said...

Shouldn't your post read (instead of), "we dated for several years" TO, "we dated until Jace left town, and David Bggs made his move. Then, when Jace came back home, we dated some more"

I can't believe Jace proposed on Jamie Hendrickson's (his cousin) birthday.

Kind of a double-celebration?

April said...

Oh the good old days. I love the picture! Classic. I think you should name your next girl Mesa in honor of your proposal. Miss ya.

Stacey said...

I never noticed it until this picture, but I think Maeley looks just like you.

I’m sorry if you don’t like being tagged, but I picked you because I would love to learn 7 new facts about you. Don’t feel like you have to, but check out my blog for the rules if you choose to.

SILLYA said...

just wanted to say that when you two lovebirds were posing for this lovely picture... HH and I had been married for 4 years and expecting our 1st child... either we are old or you two are just young pups... I think we are OLD!

The Legg Fam said...

11/23/95: Audra was born. GREAT day is history for us as well. nice to see Jace with hair.