Monday, December 1, 2008


My sister Becky tagged me and I thought it was a good one, so I will fill in the blanks and tag 8 more people. BTW I felt like putting those Chirstmas tags on...ya know?

8 Shows I watch
2. The Office-bigger duh
3.Americas Next Top Model-don't laugh, it's good
4. 24-when we borrow it from Billy and Meg
5.Friends-My ultimate favorite
6.Everyody Loves Raymond-I watch this show in my wind-down time at night and just laugh and laugh
8. ???

8 Things I Did Yesterday
Yesterday was a Sunday so it was pretty low key. I should do the 8 things that happened over the Thanksgiving holiday, that would be a little more interesting, but I'll stick with the rules.
1.Went to church in LG for Wyatt's baby blessing
2.Had delicious muffins, I must have inhaled, like, 20
3.Said goodbye to everyone visiting in LG for Thanksgiving
4. Slept in the car onthe way home
5. Kissed Jace goodbye before he left town for the week
6. Talked to Audra (one of my best friends from college)
7. Read 1/2 of the book "The Christmas Shoes". It's great book to get you into the Christmas spirit. I'll read the rest tonight.
8. Slept with Maeley in my bed

8 Places I like To Eat, in no particular order
1. Olive Garden
2. PF Chang
3. Cheesecake Factory
4. Costa Vida
5. Applebees
6. Corona Village
7. Sonic
8. Home

8 Things I Look Forward To
1. February 2010-when my parents come home
2. Playing in the snow (snowmobiling, sledding, etc)
3. Putting up my Chirstmas tree
4. Watching Maeley's response to Santa
5. Watching Carson and Maeley grow up
6. Doing fun projects
7. Cuddling up with Jace
8. Wrapping presents (I love to wrap Chirstmas presents)

8 Things on my Wish List
1. Learn how to Surf (that's the #1 thing I wish I knew how to do)
2. Happy, healthy family
3. To have more patience
4. To be able to eat whateva I want and not ever gain a pound (if we're wishin'...)
5. To have my own swimming pool in the backyard of my dream house (I'll even invite you over)

6. Ski boat
7. Vacation at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas
8. World peace :)

8 People to Tag
I know I’m supposed to tag 8 people, but I want to tag everyone I can think of. So, if you want to answer these questions on your blog, do it. If you don’t want to, then don’t (duh) but it’s fun to see what people have to say. Thanks Becky.


Kortney said...

You are a lot like me. When I read that you watch friends and everybody loves raymond that is so what i do. Anyway give me a call and we will get together. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving too. Mine was good!